Hello, I’m Alex!

I am the mom of a champ sleeper, who definitely didn’t start that way. I know the world of sleep deprivation far too well and I can relate to the struggle of feeling like you’re just barely surviving parenthood through the fog of sleepless nights. I knew I needed to do something in order to regain my sanity, but also to feel like I’m being the best mom I can possibly be, for myself and for my family.

With any remaining energy I had at the end of the day, I read everything I could about healthy sleep habits and how to teach my daughter to fall asleep and stay asleep on her own. Before I knew it, we had a happy independent sleeper and I got my sleep (and life!) back.

Sleep coaching changed my entire experience of motherhood so profoundly that I decided to become a certified sleep consultant to pass on my knowledge to other tired parents.

I can’t wait to get you back to sleep!